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New Hope

The Sign of Faith

What does faith mean to you? When you hear the word faith, what does it conjure in your mind? Spiritually speaking, when we think of faith, we think of the great God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our faith in him is the basis of our salvation. So as the saints of God, when we hear the word faith, we think of our faith in Christ. Amen!

With that being said, what comes to mind when I ask you about the sign of faith? In other words, what is the sign of faith? When the adulterous generation asked Jesus for a sign, he said that none would be given but the sign of the prophet Jonas. So, we can glean from that verse the fact that it is better to believe and have faith than to have doubt and ask for a sign. Having doubt is by no means a deal breaker. Like the Apostle Thomas, we can be weak and occasionally ask for a sign. Gideon was not reprimanded when he asked God for a sign, not once but twice. The great leader of the three hundred men just needed assurance that God was truly going to use him. Likewise, Thomas was not rebuked or chastened for needing a sign when he had yet to see the risen Savior. However, Christ did let us know of the special blessing for those who believe in faith. (John 20:29) Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

The bible teaches us that, though we do not see Christ, we still put all of our faith in him. (1st Peter 1:8-9) Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Do you love Christ? If yes, then the sign of faith cannot be far from you. The Pharisees sought a sign from Christ but in reality, they were tempting him. The modern-day atheist will flat out reject the great Lord Almighty in favor of their so-called science. Ignoring to behold the wonder and amazement of God’s creation that they currently inhabit by his grace. There be many a fool who ignore the plight of the rich man who is still this day serving his sentence as he awaits his date at the Great White Throne judgment. Jesus said in Luke 16 that this man found himself in hell and being in torments begged for a drop of water. We need to teach the Word of God to all before this fate falls upon the lost. Faith in God’s word of truth is the best sign most of us will ever get. It is the only sign that we should really need.

The cross is not a sign, but a symbol. With the great work being finished, it is forever vacant. He is risen and has left us all the instructions that we need to have the sign of faith. (Luke 9:23) And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. This is a very bold statement and not hard to understand. The Lord further clarified this with his words in (Luke 14:27) And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. Your obedience to the words of Christ will show the sign of faith in you. We need to pray for God’s grace and remind ourselves daily that this world is not our home. Following the example of the Apostle Paul we should not let the cares of this life keep us from taking up our cross and denying ourselves but follow our King to the promised land. The sign of faith is made real when we believe that victory is ours. Christ has overcame; so that we may overcome. Staying in that simplicity and not veering to the left or to the right. Living day to day on the straight and narrow path. Believing with all your heart (Psalms 9:10) And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken thee. AMEN!

Not forsaken. Never forsaken. God has created you and called you. The Holy Spirit has sealed you. The King of kings has redeemed you with his precious blood. Your belief in the power of the Godhead to do all of these things is the sign of faith. Freely offered to you and to all who trust in God’s plan of salvation. Your works show your faith, but they cannot save you. The only work that can save is the work of Christ. And it is finished, he is risen. May the light of his glorious gospel shine just a little brighter in you today. May you take up your cross and follow the Savior so that the sign of faith can be seen wherever you go. Amen!

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