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New Hope

Love the Truth

When the Jews delivered Jesus to Pontus Pilate they called him a malefactor and desired him to be put to death. In the judgment hall Pilate would ask our Savior several questions. Interestingly he asked the same question twice, but with a slightly different wording. In John 18:33 our Lord was asked if he was the King of the Jews. He did not directly answer Pilate but instead asked his interrogator if he thought that on his own or did others tell it to him. The conversation continued and Jesus explained that his kingdom was not of this world. So, in John 18:37 Pilate asked him once again, Art thou a King then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should

bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice.

Christ our Savior is so much more than a king. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is our advocate with the Father and our only hope of salvation. But this plain truth is reserved for those who love the truth. Jesus confessed that he came into the world to bear witness to the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice. You cannot claim to be a child of the King without loving his great truth. Sadly, in today’s world love has become very subjective. Truth is based largely on opinion and not the reality of God’s word. Even the saints of God must constantly guard their hearts from philosophy and vein deceit. It is not always easy to see a love of the truth in this world we live in. God gives us eyes of faith, and we need to use them in our daily walk.

A great reminder for me personally is to look back at the cross of Calvary where our Savior paid the price for our sins. To me, there is no greater act of love to be found. This truth needs to be shared not only with the lost, but also in remembrance to the believer. The crucifixion brings to light the amazing love that God has for us, and how truly blessed the believer is that holds to God’s truth. In Ephesians chapter four the Apostle Paul implores the faithful to speak this truth in love. This is how we fulfill the great commission. Give hope to the hopeless, shine light in the darkness, and pray that when our great King returns that we are found faithful. We are not promised tomorrow. But today we can do great works for the God of our salvation. We can show great appreciation that our Savior did not leave us in our sins. By sharing the truth in love, we can lead souls to Christ and be pleasing to our heavenly father.

2nd Thessalonians shows the fate of the non-believer. The bible says they will perish because they received not the love of the truth. It is our honor and duty to share these scriptures with this lost and dying world. God is patient, longsuffering, and merciful. But his perfect judgment is coming. We who believe know this. If we believe this truth, and love his ways, we must reach out while it is day. You are the called, the chosen, and by the grace of God, the saved. The Prince of Peace is simply asking you to live according to his word.

2nd John 1:3, Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in Truth and Love.

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2 ความคิดเห็น

08 ม.ค. 2565

Very nicely done.

08 ม.ค. 2565


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